This is my final installment of iconic sex symbols. I’ve already covered many of the obvious – Mel Gibson, Elvis, Warren Beatty, Marlon Brando, and Paul Newman. Here are a few more on my list:
You know, when I was younger, I had a really hard time seeing Dean as sexy. However, as I age, I begin to get it. He is an iconic sex symbol truly frozen in time, as he died at the young age of 24, while still young and handsome. Would he have aged well? We will never know, but the whole package of youth, good looks, and an underlying sense of trouble made him a Rebel for all times. Who else in three mere films could have left such a legacy?
Ricky Nelson
It seems that many of our sex symbols die tragically and Ricky Nelson is one such example. He was practically raised before the eyes of America on “The Ozzie and Harriet Show.” He began the show as a 12 year old and ended it as a 26 year old. In between, he became a rock ‘n roll teen idol. When young, he was oh so handsome. But, as he aged, America seemed to not want him to age. He had one hit late in life with “Garden Party” which lamented the fact that fans wanted to see teen idol Ricky on stage, and not the more mature Rick he had grown into.
He had problems with drugs, but began a nostalgia tour in 1985. After success on the English leg of the tour, Nelson was en route to Dallas, Texas when his plane crashed, killing all on board. He was elected to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1987.
Please – would any sex symbol list of mine be complete without listing my man Johnny Depp? When he hit the small screen with “21 Jumpstreet,” I immediately jumped on the Johnny wagon and have been riding it every since. Although he usually tries to downplay his looks both physically and in the film roles that he chooses, Johnny is still almost borderline pretty – the high cheekbones, the somewhat pouty lips, and the smoldering look. No matter how hard he tries to fight against the sexy label, it will always stick to him. And, I might add, he has aged well so far.
Okay ladies, bring it on – who did I leave off the list?