Making the time to do good works is important for all families. Getting children started early with the concept of volunteerism is a wonderful way to make the acts so much a part of their lives that it comes natural for them. One of the added benefits of volunteering with your toddler or preschooler is that it may give you the means and motivation to volunteer yourself. Isn’t it difficult to carve out the time to volunteer when you are busy taking care of little ones. Making volunteering a family affair solves that problem!
So how can you get started? Why not choose one of the following ideas that are little kids friendly.
Make some cookies together for a bake sale. Kids can mix, measure and form cookies. You can read more about cooking with toddlers by clicking here: Cooking with Your Toddler.
Go through your pantry and collect canned good and other non-perishable items to donate to a food bank or shelter. Little kids can learn about sorting, colors and more as you make up a bag or box. Alternatively, ask your child to pick one or two things each time you shop that will then be donated.
Sort through outgrown clothing together and then drop it off to a local thrift store or shelter. Tell her how her too small clothes well be used by other babies.
Pull a wagon around your neighborhood door to door and collect books for the local library book drive. Stress to your child how it is important to only visit homes of people you know well.
Count out box tops and labels for education for your local school. Sorting and counting lessons can be learned here, too.
Plant trees together for a local park.
Hand out water and snacks at a charity event, such as a road race.
Visit your elderly neighbors together and read books or just listen to their stories.
Can you add any more ideas to the list? It would be great to hear from you!
Click here for more articles by Mary Ann Romans.
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