Babies are a joy to be cherished. There is nothing like holding your baby for the first time. The first few days are precious and far too fleeting. I wish I had a time travel machine to go back to the newborn days of my children.
On the other hand of the joy they bring is the feeling some moms feel that their identity has been stolen. One day you are you. People call you by your name. They ask how you are doing. You have goals and dreams. The next day you are so and so’s mom. Everyone begins to ask about the baby. Your goals and dreams are tied up in another person while your personal ambitions are cast aside. Unwilling to admit the truth due to guilt you feel your baby is an identity thief. What happened to daily showers and sexy date nights?
Change your perspective: Your identity has not been taken from you it has been expanded. You are everything you were before plus being a mom. You have a new set of responsibilities and a new path. It should be embraced and welcomed.
Seasons Change: It may be cliché to say that babies grow so fast but it is true. Enjoy the season because before you know it your baby will be a toddler and your toddler will be in school. You can still maintain the essence of you through these years but embracing the beauty of motherhood will make your years more enjoyable. Take your time to be a mom.
Stay Current: We often feel like your identity has been stolen because we let it go. The thief does not exist. Yes, your life has changed dramatically and you are more tired now than ever. However, keeping up on the simple things like your beauty routine and what is going on in the world will keep you from feeling like the world stopped and you got off. We become overwhelmed with our new task as a mom and it consumes us. Being consumed with our role is not a bad thing unless we make it so.
Enjoy your new role and welcome it into the fold. Yes, daily showers and sexy date nights still exist after motherhood. We may have to work at it harder but it will all be worth it.
Baby Shower Punch: Duckie Bath
How did you decide on a baby name?