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If the Weather outside is frightful…

It is that time of year again. The weather can do some crazy things, and that’s even more true if you live in an area that is prone to drastic weather changes. We actually have days here that may be sunny and a nice, warm 75 degrees but drop more than 40-50 degrees by late that night. That’s a big difference in a 24 hour period!

Sometimes, it’s even more extreme. Have you ever had the air conditioning on during the day and the heat running at night? I try to avoid such uses of energy, but there have been times… However, things like that usually only occur in the transition between summer and fall. Usually. It has happened in December. I’ve been out Christmas shopping in shorts only to have a storm blow in cold air, and later that night, find it’s below freezing.

This time of year, we usually get more than our share of mild temperatures during the day while we do experience some cold nights. We rarely have “real” winter weather that lasts, but those cold winds can set teeth to chattering. This week it was cold and windy one day, warm a few days later, cold again. From a comfortable 62 one afternoon to a wind-whipped 26 degrees that night. And, that’s not even mentioning the ice storms that these sudden changes sometimes bring, which can keep us trapped inside for days.

If the weather outside is frightful in your neck of the woods, will you be prepared for it? I’ve been caught unprepared in the past, but there are some steps we can all take to get ready for winter. If you haven’t already started, let’s get busy!

  • Start stocking up on staples. Collect an assortment of canned foods (with pull top lids when possible). Pick up a hand-held manual can opener in case the power goes out.
  • Don’t forget toilet paper.
  • Pick up a few gallons of bottled water to keep on hand for emergencies. If the pipes freeze, you’ll soon realize just how often we use water. You will find yourself attempting to turn on the faucet repeatedly (yes, this is past experience talking!).
  • Check your flashlights and pick up extra batteries. Pick up candles too. Emergency candles are available and they burn longer. Choose deep glass candle holders.
  • Get your car ready for winter weather, including being ready for a possible breakdown while traveling. Check your first aid kit, pack snacks, water, and blankets.

These are just a few simple suggestions but you can find more in depth information in this and other blogs, such as Be Prepared. Be Prepared is currently on hiatus, but the articles are still accessible and offer good information.

Here are a few pages to get you started, if you’d like more information:

Caught off Guard: Winter Weather Tips

Preparing for Winter Storms

Preparing Your Family for Winter Weather

A Few Tips for Holiday Travel Safety

Top Five Tips for Winterizing Your Home

Winter Weather Terms