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If You Really, Really Hate It, Don’t Do It

I was raised in a world of blue collar, working class stoics–where you go to work and do what needs to be done, regardless of how you might feel about it personally. But, I realize that isn’t always the best route to take, and part of being an independent adult running your own home business should mean that you can organize your world so that you don’t have to do things you really, really, hate.

In this day and age, if a person really hates cleaning toilets or hauling garbage, we can find or pay someone else to do it for us. One of the joys of operating your own business is that you should have more freedom and leeway to find ways of getting around doing those things you really don’t want to do. Of course, the flip side is that we don’t have coworkers and a staff of hundreds to pick up the slack–but if we really, really hate doing accounting, for example, we can hire a professional to take over that task for us (and it might not be such a bad idea anyway).

There is really no excuse or logical reasoning behind our continuing to bring ourselves down and plug away at things we actually, authentically, cannot stand to do. As a matter of fact, a strong case could be made that muddling along with tasks we hate makes us less motivated to do the other parts of our business where we really could get excited and energized–we’re so focused on the horrible, icky stuff we despise that we can’t see the forest for the trees. I know, I know, I’m as guilty as the next person for slogging along with tasks and activities and responsibilities I despise, but we’re independent grown-ups and business owners to boot–if there are things we absolutely hate, we should be able to find a way to NOT have to do those things!

Also: What Excites You About Your Home Business?