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I’m Too Busy to Diet!

Nonsense! You can still lose weight while maintaining a busy life. It can be done. I’ve been there. I did it. Here are a few tips on how to trim down without having to give up all the fun and convenience.

First of all, eat breakfast! If you don’t think you’ll have time for breakfast, consider a meal replacement bar or drink that is well balanced in protein, carbohydrates and fats. Try a Zone Bar or one of the newer Slim Fast shakes that has a lower carbohydrate content and a higher protein content (think Ultima or Low-Carb).

Next, if you know you’re going to be on the go all day, eat intentionally. By this, I mean pack a healthy lunch and snacks in a small cooler that you can take with you. There are so many varieties of lunch coolers these days that you’d be hard pressed to not find one that fits your lifestyle.

If you must eat fast food, be smart when you make your choices. Consider serving sizes. A Whopper is not a single meal – it is a whole days’ worth of fat. If you like Whoppers, downsizing a bit won’t kill you and buying a Whopper Junior from the Value Menu won’t hurt your budget either.

Lastly, consider your food choices when you go to parties or get-togethers at friends’ homes. You can find some great tips for staying slim during the holiday party season by clicking here . Now that Football Season is upon us, there will be football parties. Be prepared! Consider some of these tips and recipes when planning or going to a football gathering.

Most importantly, you have to remember that you are never too busy to be healthy. Junk food is called that because it is. Fast food is just another name for it. With a tiny bit of thought and planning, you can be a busy, on-the-go adult and still stay healthy.

Give it a try. What have you got to lose but a few spare pounds?

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