Think imagination is kid stuff? Or at least something that is not suitable for matters of business? The fact is imagination can play a big role in how well we are able to keep ourselves motivated and work in the direction of our dream—whether it is business-related, or personal.
Imagination is important to the entrepreneur. We need to be able to imagine what we would like our businesses to be like, how we would like them to evolve, and what we want our lives to be like incorporating a home-based business into our lifestyle. All of this “work” takes imagination. There is really a strong element of imagination when we envision ourselves in our work.
Once our business is underway, and we have hung up our shingle and opened the doors—we still need imagination to help us with problem solving and growth. Keeping our brains energized and open is important to letting our imagination guide us as we struggle with the day-to-day issues of running a home-based business.
So, what can you do to keep your imagination flowing and tap into when you need it? Practice! Starting each day by imagining how it will feel to accomplish all your goals, make that big sale, or do that presentation might get you started. Picturing yourself going through the steps and actually trying to experience how it will feel—can really get those imaginative juices flowing. Taking some time to plan for the future and imagine out how you would like things to look—both in your business and your family/personal life is another sure-fire way to practice keeping your imagination alive. Imagine things like growth, being able to do the things you want to, receiving recognition—whatever it is that turns you on and keeps you motivated and focused.
See Also: What Gets You Energized? and What About a Retreat?