If you are considering implants or already have implants, it is important to know that breast implants are NOT designed to last a lifetime. In most cases, women with implants need at least one (if not more) surgeries for routine implant replacement.
So why would a woman need or want revision or replacement surgery?
Leakage is perhaps the most common reason why implants may need revision or replacement. Leakage can be a problem with both saline and silicone implants. Saline implants may show a leak more quickly, because the affected breast becomes softer and smaller. Silicone gel leaks are usually self-contained, and may be harder to detect. Regular mammograms or ultrasounds are important to help detect any possible leakage problems in your implants.
An implant may rupture, due to trauma or simply wearing out. Plastic surgeons estimate that the life of an implant is between ten and twenty years. Approximately two percent of implants fail or rupture within seven years. A rupture within the first three years of an implant is unusual, but not unheard of. A saline implant rupture is easily detected; definite asymmetry is noticeable. A silicone rupture may be more difficult to detect.
Other common reasons for implant revision or replacement surgery include:
- A personal decision to change implant size (larger or smaller implants).
- As a woman’s body changes with aging or weight gain or loss, the breast implants may become disproportionate.
- The implant may ripple or otherwise become distorted in shape.
The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, the American Society for Plastic Surgeons, and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration are working together to ensure that patients receive safe and effective breast implants. There is more than thirty years of evidence supporting the safety of saline breast implants as safe medical devices.
Before you make the decision about breast enhancement surgery, make sure you know and understand the risks and benefits. Most women who choose breast augmentation do report improved body image, self-esteem, and quality of life.