When you are married, the physical side of your relationship is often equated with the intimacy between you and your spouse. While the physical expression of your love is a part of intimacy, you can be greatly intimate with your spouse and still need to improve the physical side of your relationship. This can happen for a multitude of reasons whether it’s the arrival of a new baby, a change in careers or just that you and your spouse have become very comfortable with your lives and that level of comfort in your choices and physical relationship also diminishes the excitement.
The Simple Can Bring the Spice
A few simple changes can help you and your spouse spice up the physical side of your relationship and add to your sex life. Consider for a moment if the two of you always have sex in the bedroom at night, that you might try moving to the living room in front of the fire. If you’ve never had a mid-day tryst, consider renting a hotel room for a day and meeting up with your spouse over lunch – sometimes just stepping outside the ordinary can really generate some excitement.
Change Your Environment
If you are uncomfortable with those ideas, there are other ways you can change your environment and generate some excitement. If you always make love with the lights off, consider turning the lights back on. If you’ve never made love in candlelight, scatter a few scented candles around the room and enjoy the sensation – be sure it’s a scent that you both enjoy.
If there’s a love song that you both enjoy or that applies to the two of you, put it on in the player or create a mix CD that highlights the love songs the two of you may have enjoyed. You can always begin by dancing to the music and then move to the making love. And when in doubt, fall back on a few old standards – including choosing some really lovely pieces of lingerie and playing together.
What other ways can you think of to stimulate your love life?
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