I often talk about ways to make improvements in some our “weaker” areas of running a home-based business—looking at places where we are struggling or could stand to boost our operations. But, we may also be able to make some tweaks and improvements to something that is going well. The trick is to make improvements to a good thing, without compromising how well it is already working…
It is easy to get complacent. I want to confess that I am the first person most likely to get settled into a comfortable groove. Once I find something that works for me, I do not want to mess with it. Remember that old adage, “If it ain’t broke—don’t fix it?” Well, that could very well be my mantra if I didn’t force myself to step outside of that natural complacency. In business, it is important that we maintain some flexibility and continue to adjust to the changes in our market place—and this can mean making regular improvements to the way we do business.
A work mentor once taught me that there is ALWAYS room for improvement. We can always connect with our customers or clients better, have a leaner process, keep better records, make adjustments to the profit margin or bottom line, or improve our service delivery. He taught me that if we get to a place where we think there is no room for improvement, we are losing touch with our businesses.
So, it pays to periodically take a look at what we’re doing and how we’re doing it and look for places to make improvements—and this doesn’t always mean in areas where we KNOW we are struggling. Look at the places where things are going good, customers are happy, and things seem to be humming along efficiently—and see if you can make things run even better. You’ll only make your business stronger and more successful.
See Also: Planning for Seamless Transitions
With Home Businesses–We HAVE to Give Good Customer Service