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Indoor Family Relays

If the weather outside if frightful, there’s no reason things inside can’t be delightful. Sure, kids get bored easily and we grown ups do sometimes as well. This is the perfect time to try out some indoor family relays. You can divide family members into teams or play one on one.

Quick Trip Relay

Give each person or team a suitcase or duffel at the start line. At the other end of the room, place a stack of clothes, socks, pajamas, etc. (an equal number of items in each stack).

Each member will run to the stack, grab one item, and return to the start line. The contestant will place the item in the bag and either tag the next person or return for another item. The first person or team to pack the bag wins.

Make a Well Balanced Meal

You’ll need some toy food and plastic plates (or any that aren’t breakable) for this relay. Make a pile of play food at one end of the room and give each person or team a plate. Each one will run to the food, select an item, place it on the plate, and return to the start line.

If the food falls, stop, pick it up, and return it to the plate. You may not hold the food onto the plate while running (or walking quickly). Each team needs to create a “balanced meal” consisting of whatever is decided before the relay begins, such as meat, bread, dairy, and fruit or vegetable (make sure there are enough of each item in the pile for everyone).

It will become more difficult with each trip to the pile as the first foods must remain on the plate as you travel back and forth.

Do you have any indoor family fun ideas to share?

Other Indoor Activities:

Hallway Football Fun

Some Twists on Family Movie Night

Making Old Games New Again

Make New Games from Old Ones