One of my biggest complaints, when it comes to fitness, is how expensive it can be to eat healthy. I find it frustrating when healthier choices require more out of your pocketbook.
As challenging as this can sometimes be, we can at least take advantage of inexpensive exercise. In fact, some of it is downright free.
Pretty soon we will be heading into the holidays where a few pounds might get put on. Then we will be seeing advertisements on television for gym memberships. This will be your opportunity to take off the extra weight and start the New Year off right.
Since most of the ads focus on gyms and health clubs, people get duped into believing it’s the best way to shed weight. But I have seen this played out time and time again.
Friends and acquaintances sign up for a year and they start off great. Everyday after work they are making it to the gym. But then they start to miss a day or two. Pretty soon their gym membership is turning yellow.
Okay, not literally. But you get my point. What it comes down to is wasted money.
Whether you think you can stick to an exercise regime or not, why not try an inexpensive way? Use the money you would save on a club membership to go toward healthier food choices.
Remember that walking is free. It costs you nothing but maybe a good pair of shoes if you don’t already own them.
There are so many places you can take advantage of this free exercise, such as the shopping mall, the track at a local school, park, or around your neighborhood. You can also purchase inexpensive exercise videos. Sometimes you can rent them from the library or look for discounted items at the store.
An exercise ball is another great item and costs around $10 to $12. Lightweights are inexpensive as well.
Exercise doesn’t have to break your pocketbook. Why not take advantage of something that is inexpensive or free?
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Photo by darnok in morgueFile