There is a Medicaid program in each and every state. Some states go out of their way to hide the basic information about Medicaid. Delaware, on the other hand, has one of the most informative, easy to read, websites that explains everything about their Medicaid program.
Medicaid is a public, or government run form of health insurance. It is designed to provide health insurance coverage for individuals and families who are low income and who cannot afford to purchase a health plan from a private insurance company. Medicaid is funded, in part, by the federal government. It is also funded by the government of an individual state.
In Delaware, Medicaid is administered by the Delaware Division of Medicaid and Medical Assistance (DMMA). The Delaware Medicaid website has an easy to read Frequently Asked Questions section that gives you a lot of information about the Medicaid program. Not all states are this open with that vital information. It is always nice to find a state that actually wants people to receive the help that they need.
People who are currently receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI) from the Social Security Administration are automatically eligible for Medicaid (and probably Medicare as well). Other groups that might be eligible for Medicaid include low income families, and people who are “aged, blind, and or disabled” and whose income is insufficient to meet the cost of necessary medical services.
To qualify for Medicaid, a person must be a Delaware resident. He or she must also be a citizen of the United States. This group may qualify for full Medicaid benefits.
A person who is a legally residing noncitizen can also qualify for Medicaid coverage, but full coverage is dependent upon the availability for state funding. All people who are a noncitizen, whether in the United States legally or illegally, can qualify for coverage for emergencies and labor and delivery services.
There are income limitations associated with the eligibility for Medicaid. A household must be under certain limits that depend on family size. Specific programs within Medicaid may have slightly different limitations. In general, if your household income is at, or below, the current 100% federal poverty level for your household size, then you are likely to be eligible for Medicaid.
There are several ways to apply for Medicaid in Delaware. You can use the ASSIST website to apply online. You can print out an application, fill it out, and mail it in. Or, you can contact Medicaid Customer Relations by phone.
Image by Bobby Hidy on Flickr