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Inspiration And Motivation Part One

Sometimes when you are having a hard time getting things done for your home-based business, you may wonder what exactly is holding you back. Sometimes there are circumstances beyond your control that prevent you from working as much as you want to, and that is a different issue. If you find that you do have the time to work but you do not seem to be doing all that much work during that time, a lack of motivation or a lack of inspiration may be the culprit.

It can be difficult to distinguish between inspiration and motivation sometimes. When you are experiencing both, it is like a tidal wave of energy carrying you forward and you are able to accomplish many things easily and efficiently. Even having just one of these powerful feelings can be enough to keep you moving and getting things done. There are differences between inspiration and motivation, and knowing what the differences are can help you to determine what you are feeling (or not feeling) and what you can do about it.

Motivation is about inducing yourself or others to accomplish or produce something, to get something done. Motivation is a good thing, and it is good to want to be productive and to achieve things. Unfortunately, motivation on its own is often not enough to keep you moving forward for very long unless inspiration is also present.

Inspiration is about being enlivened or animated, to feel an authentic passion coming forth from within and a need to express that passion outwardly. Inspiration feels invigorating, and your work may seem to flow effortlessly when you are experiencing it. When you are inspired, you work from your heart as well as with your head and the result is quality work of whatever type it is that you do. Everyone can experience inspiration and do inspired work, whether they are a writer or a waiter, a painter or a plumber.

Understanding the difference between motivation and inspiration is important for home – based professionals because it can be the key to learning how to do the work that you were truly meant to do. Not just the work that puts food on the table, but the work that enables you to live a deeply meaningful life. Tomorrow, I will share with you a great set of questions that I found that help to clarify the difference between motivation and inspiration. Hopefully you will find it to be as valuable of a self-assessment tool as I have.

Photo by cohdra on morguefile.com.