My 6-year-old has more cameras than I do; real, digital cameras that take superior shots. In addition to the Fisher-Price Kid-Tough Digital Camera Santa brought her a couple of years ago, grandma and grandpa recently gifted my young shutterbug with a VTech KidiZoom Plus Digital Camera. The latter comes equipped with built-in video games and a plethora of other special effects.
Needless to say, my daughter has been putting her photo equipment to good use. She took the VTech camera on our recent trip to Hawaii and captured some incredible images. Seriously, the kid has an amazing eye. Her photo of a budding plumeria is stunning. In fact, it is so rich and vibrant I am considering entering it into a photo contest designed specifically for children.
There are dozens of contests that cater to young shooters, though parents are responsible for filling out the paperwork and reviewing the rules on age requirements, entry fees, and other restrictions. If you have a budding photographer on your hands and want to share his mad skills with the world, then consider entering his shots in the following photo contests for kids:
Ranger Rick Photo Contest: This contest is run by the popular children’s magazine on a quarterly basis. It is open to kids ages 13 and under, but only accepts photos taken in nature without the assistance of an adult. Prizes include certificates and free magazines.
Young Travel Photographer of the Year: This highly reputable contest is open to photo enthusiasts ages 16 and under. It judges photos that capture the joy of travel. Kids can enter a complete portfolio of shots or single images that best capture the contest’s theme.
National Geographic International Photography Contest for Kids: This photo contest for kids is among the most popular in the world. Last year the company received more than 5,000 entries in categories including animals, scenery and people. National Geographic chooses winners based on originality and composition. Prizes range from new digital cameras to books and memory cards.
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