Things move pretty fast on the Insurance Blog. If you don’t take the time to look around, you might miss something interesting. Here is a quick review of everything that hit the Blog this week, along with a brief description of the main topic of each one. This is a good way to “ketchup” on whatever you might have missed.
Catholic Bishops Might Sue Over Health Insurance Law
The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops has said that it might sue the federal government over the law that requires all businesses to include coverage of birth control in their employer-sponsored health insurance plans. The Bishops feel that religious businesses should be exempt from the law, because it goes against their religious beliefs. They also might drop health insurance coverage for all employees of Catholic hospitals, universities, and social service agencies.
The Insurance Podcast Roundup went up on Tuesday, January 23, 2012.
Signing up for Medicare Part B
My husband has decided to sign up for Medicare Part B. Here is a quick description about how to go about doing that.
Santorum Uses Scare Tactics in Florida
Rick Santorum told seniors in Florida that the individual mandate in the Affordable Care Act would take away their Medicare. He also implied that a government panel exists that will ration health care so that seniors won’t be able to get what they need. Neither of his clams are factually correct.
Insurance Not Required for Living Donors
Living donors can donate one of their kidneys, or a portion of their liver, to someone in need. The donor does not have to have health insurance coverage in order to help save a life.
Unnecessary Tests Raise Cost of Care
Not everyone needs to undergo absolutely every medical test in existence. Doctors that order more tests than are necessary are making the cost of health care rise.
Obama’s Remarks About Health Insurance
President Obama recently gave the State of the Union of address. Some of his remarks related to health insurance.
Mitch Daniels’ Remarks About Health Insurance
Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels gave the Opposition Response to the State of the Union. Some of his remarks related to health insurance.
Catholic Healthcare West Ends Ties with Catholic Church
Catholic Healthcare West is one of the biggest hospital systems in the United States. They have decided to end their affiliation with the Catholic Church. I cannot help but wonder if the decision had anything to do with the potential that the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops might drop all employer-sponsored health insurance plans.
Lawyers Argue ACA Can Survive Without Individual Mandate
Lawyers for the Obama administration argued in a written brief to the Supreme Court that the Affordable Care Act could survive without the individual mandate. Lawyers from the opposing side say this is impossible.
Health Insurers Say Revealing Costs is Too Expensive
This year, a law will take effect that requires health insurance companies to list, in “plain English”, exactly what each of their health insurance plans costs, and precisely what it covers. Insurers claim that it will cost them too much to provide this information, and threaten to pass the costs along to consumers.
Image by Paul Downey on Flickr