According to the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine statistics, health care expenditures are almost 50% greater for employees and workers who reported higher levels of stress. These employees alo had a higher level of absenteeism, low productivity and low morale.
Wouldn’t it be great if insurance companies would pay people to be more fit? Pay them to lose weight? The overall cost of these two incentive type programs would likely be significantly less than the cost of treating their health issues and the cost of lost business through lower productivity and absenteeism.
Many businesses recognize that fitter employees are happier employees. They provide onsite gymnasiums with equipment. They have changing rooms. They have showers. They also have free access that allows their employees in before and after work hours so they can make use of the equipment.
But what if they took it a step further. What if they offered employees bonuses for fitness and exercise? What if they invested money in hiring a personal trainer? What if they funded onsite programs like Weight Watchers and other diet encouragements? What if the cafeterias that were onsite featured menus strong in healthy items for diets and food?
Why not encourage employees through incentives, bonuses and outright providing access? Corporate America would be a happier, fundamentally healthier place and that’s always good for business.