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Insurance Podcast Roundup – Week of April 9, 2012

headphones Once a week, the Insurance Podcast Roundup brings you brand new episodes of podcasts that discuss topics that are related to insurance. Listening to these episodes is a great way to stay informed about what is going on in the news, and to be aware of changes that could happen to your insurance policies.

NPR has an episode of “All Things Considered” that was released on April 2, 2012. This episode is called “Health Insurers Move Ahead, With Or Without Individual Mandate”. The episode talks about how different health insurers are moving forward, no matter what the Supreme Court decides about the individual mandate.

NPR has an episode of “All Things Considered” that was released on April 4, 2012. This episode is called “Doctors Urge Their Colleagues to Quit Doing Worthless Tests”. There is a campaign called “Choosing Wisely”, which is encouraging doctors to back off on 45 diagnostic tests, procedures, and treatments that may do patients no good.

PBS NewsHour has an episode that was released on April 4, 2012. This episode is called “SCOTUS v. POTUS: The Role of the Supreme Court, Historically”. This episode discusses President Obama’s recent comments about the case involving the Affordable Care Act which included phrases like “judicial activism”. This episode reviews what some other Presidents have said to the Supreme Court, and goes into a discussion about all of it.

The Pet Insurance Guide Podcast released episode number 2 on April 5, 2012. Host Dr. Doug Kenney, who is a veterinarian, interviews Dr. Kerri Marshall at Trupanion pet insurance company. They talk about her experience with electronic medical records and what role it may play in the future of pet insurance, the medical record process, how pre-existing conditions are handled with pet insurance, and more!

NAPH the National Association of Public Hospitals and Health Systems, had an episode that was released on April 4, 2012. This one is called “This Week in Washington”. This episode talks about Medicare, the Affordable Care Act, and state health insurance exchanges.

CBN News has a video episode that was released on April 3, 2012. This episode is called “Gaffes, Health Care Law Show Obama’s Weakness?” This episode discusses President Obama’s comments to the Supreme Court about the case regarding the Affordable Care Act.

Image by Giordano Merenda on Flickr