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Insurance Podcast Roundup – Week of August 16, 2011

headphones You might assume that a podcast, or a videocast, that is about something related to insurance would be boring. Although that might be true in some cases, many of them are actually quite interesting. Each week, the Insurance Podcast Roundup scours the internet in order to bring you the best ones.

Accuquote has an episode that was released on August 11, 2011. It is called “Family Life Insurance Coverage”. Byron Udell, one of the best life insurance and annuity industry experts, has advice about how to protect your family with life insurance.

Accuquote also released an episode on August 4, 2011. This one is called “Disability Insurance”. Byron Udell talks about what disability insurance is, and how it can help you if you become disabled (and unable to earn an income).

NPR episode of “All Things Considered” that was released on August 12, 2011. In this episode, hosts Michele Norris and Melissa Block speak with Nina Totenberg, (who is an NPR Legal Affairs Correspondent). They discuss the news about the federal appeals court that recently struck down the individual mandate.

PBS NewsHour has a video podcast that was released on August 12, 2011. It is called “News Wrap: Appeals Court Rules Part of Health Care Law Unconstitutional”. One of the topics discussed by newscaster Hari Sreenivasan is about the federal appeals court ruling that the insurance mandate is unconstitutional.

The Business Hub Show released episode number 76 on August 14, 2011. This is a podcast from the UK. Normally, I wouldn’t include podcasts from outside of the United States in the weekly Insurance Podcast Roundup, because they tend to not be about American insurance issues or topics.

I made an exception to this rule this time because part of this episode includes hosts Mark and Ian talking with Nick Hollands, (Franchise Development Director at Coversure Insurance Services). They discuss the information that businesses in the UK need to know about insurance and riots. If you were wondering how the businesses who were affected by the riots are going to cope, this would be the podcast to listen to.

Missourinet has an episode that was released on August 9, 2011. This episode is called “State high-risk insurance pool lowers rates”. Allison Blood gives details about what this means for people who live in Missouri. If you, or a loved one, live in this state, you might want to give this a listen.

Chicago Legal Latte has an episode on Blog Talk Radio that was released on July 26, 2011. It is called “Unemployment Insurance Audits”. Listen to this one to learn what the Illinois Department of Employment Security is looking for when they conduct an unemployment insurance audit.

Image by Jek Bacarisas on Flickr