Insurance is one of those topics that most people would describe as boring. All of that can change in the blink of an eye, however, when something bad happens that requires you to have to file an insurance claim. The Insurance Podcast Roundup has some interesting new episodes of podcasts that talk about insurance.
NPR has an episode of Morning Edition that was released on August 31, 2011. It talks about the Walter Reed Army Medical Center. This is where many military veterans went for health care.
NPR also has an episode of All Things Considered that was released on August 31, 2011. This one talks about the closure of Walter Reed Army Medical Center and takes a look at what happens to wounded troops once they’re done with in-patient medical care.
LIMRA has an episode that was released on September 2, 2011. This episode talks about life insurance, and the important role it plays in protecting a family’s financial security. This is something that they are doing for Life Insurance Awareness Month.
Legally Easy has an episode that was released on September 1, 2011. This episode talks about problems that people who were affected by Hurricane Irene could face when they submit insurance claims that are related damages caused by flooding.
The Clark Howard Show has an episode that was released on September 2, 2011. In this episode, he talks about cell phone insurance. It seems that cell phone repair shops offer better insurance than the cell phone stores do.
Mediblog has an episode that was released on August 31, 2011. This episode is called “A Bigger Danger to Patients than Illness Itself”. The main topic seems to be a discussion about the ways in which government regulation hurts patients. The focus seems to be on health care.
Reason TV has a video episode of Fox’s “Freedom Watch” that aired on August 30, 2011. The Editor in Chief of Reason, Matt Welch, appeared on the show to talk about the reasons why the federal government subsidized a lot of risky homes when it gave cheeper insurance to beachfront houses.
The Incidental Economist has an episode that was released on September 2, 2011. This episode is called “Political Feasibility and single payer”. Topics in this episode include: single payer insurance, (and whether or not it is feasible), and the health care reform proposals from Representative Ryan.
Image by Jackson Lewchuk on Flickr