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Intellect is Not all Inherited

There are some things that no matter how hard you try you simply cannot change about people or children. For example, you cannot change a person’s genetic make-up. Some things are given to us at birth and are nonnegotiable. For years the debate has existed to determine if a child’s intellect is one of these unchangeable aspects.

However, studies since then have shown us that intellect may be influenced by much more than the genes and traits given to us by our parents. It seems that the environment that a child interacts in also plays a part.

For example a child may make huge academic gains when taken out of a poor home situation and placed in a foster home with a normal family life. The nurturing that the child received greatly enhanced his or her mental performance.

Studies with lab rats showed the same results. Pairs of twin rats were divided into two groups. One group of rats was placed together and given toys and exercise equipment. These things gave the rats an opportunity to recognize rewards and challenges. They were also taken out often to explore other unfamiliar environments. The second group of rats was kept in separate cages to themselves. They were not given the same stimulating toys and experiences as their brothers.

It was found that the rats who received the stimulation outscored their brothers on all given tests. The rats also had bigger and stronger brains.

While we cannot be too quick to compare the life of a child to that of a rat, we can assume that any positive developmental and environmental stimulation we give our children cannot hurt.

Some researchers believe that a child must be given these experiences during the first three years of life in order to see intellectual enhancement. However others feel that the rewards can be seen at any point in time in which the child receives the proper nurturing.

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