A couple of years ago I heard about going into the New Year with a “word.” It’s not like the American Dialect Society, who every year chooses a new “word of the year.” This is a word that inspires you to make changes or brings a particular meaning to your life.
For instance, some people have chosen the word “hope” or “peace.” If the previous year was filled with difficulties and challenges, you might look to the New Year as having hope. Or if the previous year had been filled with relational difficulties, you might be looking at the New Year as one with peace.
This year was the first time I chose a word. Actually, I truly believe it was divinely given to me. But that’s another story…
My word for the year 2012 is INTENTIONAL. There are all sorts of reasons for this word working for me and one of them is in my marriage.
I plan on being intentional about things in my marriage that I keep wishing would change but don’t. I’m talking about those things that I have control over changing…not those things I wish my husband would change. I can only change me.
I want to be intentional about watching the tone of voice I use with my husband. Although I usually deny it when my husband mentions it, the truth is I do tend to speak in a way that sounds like I am “talking down” to him.
I plan on being intentional about using less sarcasm with him. I plan on being intentional about putting his needs before my own. The list could go on.
The point is that any change we want to make, whether it’s in our marriage or in other areas, won’t happen with good intentions…however, choosing to be intentional about those things will.
Can you think of some things you will intentionally do in 2012 to improve your marriage?
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