The internet is filled with resources that genealogists will want to use. might be the first website that comes to mind, due to it’s increasing popularity. Genealogists who are new to the internet, or who just got a smartphone or tablet device may not know about all the wonderful genealogy related apps that are out there.
There are several genealogy related apps that are designed to be used on iPhones, iPods, iPads, or android devices. Some of them get updated from time to time, and others stay the same. Once you find a few you are interested in, you can start to play around with those apps, and see if it works well with how you do your genealogy research.
MobileFamilyTree Pro app just updated on July 8, 2011. It can be used on both the iPhone and the iPad. Currently this app costs $14.99 to purchase. The updates include bugfixes, improvements made to the interface, the addition of several types of family tree charts, and more ways to connect with your relatives. You can find this app through iTunes.
Internet Genealogy app is another one that can be found through iTunes. This is the app for the Internet Genealogy Magazine website. The app can be used on the iPhone or iPad, and it was released June 7, 2011.
The app costs $1.99, and comes with one issue of your choice of the magazine. (To get more than one issue, you will have to purchase a subscription). The app, like the magazine it connects to, shows genealogists how to do research from the internet. It also gets into some deeper genealogy topics like DNA analysis, technology reviews, case studies, and more.
An app called Billion Graves was updated on June 13, 2011. You can buy it from iTunes for $1.99, and it can be used with the iPhone, iPod Touch, or iPad. Billion Graves lets you use your camera to take photos of headstones in any cemetery that you happen to be visiting, and upload them directly to the database on the Billion Graves website. You get to help build the resources that the site has to offer, and a great excuse to visit some graveyards.
Android users can get the Billion Graves app from the Amazon app store. This app is currently free to download.
There is a handy little app called Relationship Finder that works on android devices. It costs $0.99 to download. Type in the names of any two people in your family, and tell the app which grandparents those two people share. The app will identify if the two people are siblings, or cousins, (and will note if they are first cousins, second cousins, etc.).
Image by bfishadow on Flickr