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Interpreting Paper: A Tale of a First Year Anniversary Gift

When Wayne and I lived in Jacksonville we became close friends with another couple named Thais (pronounced Thai, like the country, and “eese” as in “geese”) and Wladmir (his parents were Polish so his name’s spelled with a W but is pronounced with a V, as in Vlad).

Thais and Wlad

They had moved from Brazil to Jacksonville a year or two before Wayne and I. They weren’t married when they first got there. They had known each other since Thais was about 15 because she was good friends with Wlad’s younger sister. But it wasn’t until almost 10 years later when they happened to run across each other again that they started dating.

And then Wlad got the job offer in America.

Coming to America

They hadn’t been together long enough to justify a proposal, but after only a month apart he proposed Thais should at least come visit. Her visit turned into another offer: not one of marriage, but of living together. It wasn’t long after that that they both knew marriage was imminent.

Wedding Bells

So they got hitched.

Before they knew it, they’d been married a year. They decided they wanted to get each other traditional first year gifts: paper.

What Thais Had in Mind

Thais decided on a book for her paper gift. One that celebrated lovers and lovemaking: the Karma Sutra.

What Wlad Had in Mind

Wlad’s gift was equally thoughtful but not nearly as romantic. He opted to invest in their future by buying shares in some company (I forget which one. Victoria’s Secret would have been apropos but I know it wasn’t that) and presented her with a stock certificate.

Definitely a Mars vs. Venus Interpretation

Wayne and I didn’t know them when they celebrated their year anniversary. We met them a short time later. But when they told us the story we both thought the gifts were clever interpretations on the paper theme.

The funny thing was neither Thais nor Wlad was satisfied with the gift they’d received. Thais was hoping for a romantic love letter or something along those lines, not stock. She could’ve cared less about investing, which happened to be one of Wlad’s passions.

Wlad, on the other hand, while not as dissatisfied with his gift as Thais was, didn’t see the value in it.

“The poses are ludicrous. Like anyone could possibly do that. And it doesn’t tell me anything I don’t already know.”

Wayne and I laughed at them. Ah, those silly newlyweds