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Interview with Bobby Mercer – Part One

Last week, I reviewed a humorous and informative book for new and expectant fathers called Quarterback Dad. Today, the author of Quarterback Dad, Bobby Mercer joins us for a few questions about his book and about fathering.

What made you want to write a book for dads? And what feedback have you
gotten from other dads?

I got a few guy pregnancy books for gifts and they were funny, but not
necessarily helpful. Or they were helpful, but boring to read. I wanted a
book for the average guy that could be funny and informative. And one they
might actually read. Sports, teamwork, and fatherhood fit perfectly
together. The early feedback from dads has been very positive.

What’s your best advice for new fathers?

You only get one chance to raise your kid. Think about that when she wants
you to read a book during your favorite TV show.

Is there anything you know now that you wish you knew before you became a

I wish I learned earlier how to swaddle a baby. This is a skill all dads
must learn before leaving the hospital/birthing center. My initial attempts
at swaddling were like trying to fold a fitted bed sheet, a crumpled mess.
Babies love to be swaddled.

What other special things should a daddy do?

Learn how to burp…… the child, not you. Change tons of diapers. Baby-sit her
by yourself as your wife gets some ‘me time.’ The earlier you baby-sit by
yourself, the better. Talk and sing to your baby. And cherish the moments
with your new star, because in about twelve years they will probably
consider you the dumbest human alive.

Thanks Bobby, for writing such a great book for fathers, and for encouraging them to take more active roles. Join us tomorrow for Part 2 of the interview.

Also See:

Quarterback Dad – Bobby Mercer

Smash It! Crash It! Crunch It! – Rain Newcomb & Bobby Mercer

Families.com Fathers Blog