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Intimacy in Marriage

There is no mutual earthly commitment I can think of that is closer than marriage. Sadly, too often vows are forgotten or betrayed even in Christian homes. Couples who don’t make a regular intimate connection with each other through prayer, sex, or other quality time are leaving a door open for Satan to tempt them from a precious covenant which God has instituted.

Why does Satan make such an attack on marriage? As I’ve discussed earlier in this series of marriage blogs, God has instituted marriage not only so man would not be lonely, but I believe to help us understand our relationship with Him better.

In Exodus 34:14 we see God describing Himself as a Jealous. The Bible shares with us about being a harlot when serving another god. When we have become a Christian, we are the Lord’s and following any god other than Him would be spiritual adultery. Likewise, we must be faithful to our spouse when we have entered into a marriage covenant with them.

So why is sex outside of marriage wrong? God instituted this deepest of intimacy to show oneness and unity with our spouse who we have a covenant with. The Bible talks a bit about this in Genesis 2:24, “Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.” When someone is sexually intimate with other people, they become joined to them, giving parts of themselves away that should be given only to their spouse. It’s clear Satan wants to pervert what God has designed to be so beautiful within marriage.

We are advised in 1 Corinthians 7:5, “Do not deprive one another except with consent for a time, that you may give yourselves to fasting and prayer; and come together again so that Satan does not tempt you because of your lack of self-control.” There is a bond that takes place when you become joined with your spouse. I believe it is of spiritual significance and that’s why Satan wants to destroy that act that brings married couples so close together.

You don’t have to look far to see how this is happening. Temptation is in your face as you pass a billboard, as you cross paths with a provocatively dressed person on the street or mall, or when you turn on the TV. Watch too who you share personal discussions of intimate detail with. If you are confiding things with someone other than your spouse—especially with someone of the opposite sex, please stop. If you are unjustly withholding affection from your spouse, please stop. You too may be contributing to the temptation of your spouse. I hope your eyes will be open to the blessing God has for you in your married life and not allow the enemy to destroy your intimacy.

For more information on Marriage, visit the Families.com Marriage Blog.

Scripture referenced is quoted from the NKJV.