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Into the Woods: Our Diary of Buying, Flipping and Moving Into Our First House

I brazenly admit–I’m a city girl. I love the fact that I can run about ten different errands without getting into my car. I love that there’s always something going on. I love the cultural influences that my kids have had by living in a multi-ethnic neighborhood. I love that I get to use my Spanish and French on a regular basis. I love that we live where history happens. . .that everyone wants to know what’s happening here. I love that my children have enjoyed top notch art schools. I love that we live next to dozens of world famous landmarks. And we’re leaving it all to go live on the edge of a forest.

How we came to this decision is a rather long and complicated story. Despite my obvious love for living here, in this city, I firmly believe that it’s the right decision right now for our family and is coming at the right time. All the same, I’m going to miss living in the city.

Being a city girl though, has its disadvantages when it comes to buying and flipping a house. First of all, the last time I lived in a house was in 1985. I was 9 or 10. Therefore, I was deprived of all the chores that teach one about owning a house. (Did I mention I was happily deprived?) I’ve never done yard work before–in fact I’ve never mowed a lawn. The only thing house-maintenance like that I know how to do moderately well is paint–a room. My husband, bless his heart, is only slightly better at home maintenance.

All the same, we are buying a house. We are flipping the house. (More accurately, my very gracious brother in laws are flipping the house.) And we’re moving into the house in August.

So I’m hoping you all will follow me on my journey to discovering home ownership for the first time, to flipping a house, and to learning all about the differences between country life and city life. You will be able to see pictures of what we’re doing and get step-by-step directions on our projects. This could get interesting.

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Can You Flip a House?

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Valorie Delp shares recipes and kitchen tips in the food blog, solves breastfeeding problems, shares parenting tips, and current research in the baby blog, and insight, resources and ideas as a regular guest blogger in the homeschooling blog. To read more articles by Valorie Delp, click here.