As a college student, there are a lot of ways to keep fit on your own, but you can get regular exercise while having fun with friends by joining an intramural sports team. Sure, you could find other workouts that are cheap and easy, but most likely your school has their own facilities and staff to support an active intramural program dedicated to providing friendly, exciting competitions as an alternative to a dull fitness regimen. So take advantage of them and sign up with some friends as a team to compete in the sport of your choice.
Intramural sports are organized athletic competitions between teams made up of students. Obviously, the match-ups are far from the serious competitive nature of varsity athletics—the goal is to have fun with friends and fellow students, although rankings are kept to keep things interesting. You can play without any intention of winning, and often that’s the best way to enjoy yourself.
And the fun doesn’t have to be limited to the field! Make a team name, write with permanent marker on some white t-shirts to make custom jerseys, and if you have a few too many friends to fit in your team you can conscript the extras into cheerleaders. Make the events into a good excuse to enjoy a well-deserved meal with your team afterwards. But once you’ve assembled your dream team, what sports can you play?
Anything (almost)! The National Intramural-Recreational Sports Association (NIRSA) recognizes and sponsors sports from volleyball, basketball and tennis to flag football, ultimate Frisbee, kickball and golf. NIRSA even organizes nationwide intramural sports tournaments for those interested in serious competition without having to devote the time and effort of being a member of a varsity team- or with the added luxury of being able to choose their own teammates. Http:// has details on local intramural associations and ways to start your own leagues, so even if you’re not a student or your school lacks an intramural program, you still might be able to find a way to enjoy a full season of your favorite sport as a player instead of a spectator.
The sooner you start, the sooner your self-titled team of athletic comrades can begin climbing the intramural ranks of the sports you love without the need for lavish corporate sponsorship or tense salary negotiations. Some organizations might require a modest registration fee, but with the bulk of the cost being shouldered by your school you’ll get a lot for the investment. Before you know it, you’ll be maintaining an active exercise regimen that will improve your quality of life and keep your mind as healthy as your body.