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Hello. I’d like to introduce myself. I am the new “Fathers” blogger for Families.com. Each person’s experience of parenting is as unique as their children. My name is Kyle. I’m a 26 year old man living in Northwest Texas with my wife Sarah who is currently 30 weeks along with our first child. Cillian is due August 13th. His predicted birthday coincides with another season my wife and I are very familiar with: the school year. My wife teaches high school and I am currently a doctoral student seeking a Ph.D. in Fine Arts. My specific area is theatre, or as many like to tease me, “pretend.”

Despite the advanced degree my wife and I have resolved ourselves to a lifetime of being underpaid as educators. In addition to my coursework I am employed as a part time instructor and I have taught cinema and acting classes. My wife comes from a family of 9 children (our youngest aunt will be 6). I come from a family of 4 children. We were brought up in the same town so going home for Christmas is both a blessing and a curse. We see both families but try to be in two places (or more) at the same time.

We got married after we had both completed college and after I was accepted to graduate school in Texas. We traveled the 1000 miles south to Texas, away from all of our family and friends and started our lives together. It has been challenging and rewarding. Despite our unchanging financial struggle we decided it was time to bring a child into our lives and we have been blessed so far with good health for mommy and baby. (Pray it continues!)

My wife was very adamant about using a midwife so (of course) we are using a midwife. The closest midwife we could find was a near 2 hour drive but it has been wonderful and neither of us would change a thing. My wife and I are both leery of hospitals and over-medication in general. This option has been wonderful so far and my wife is very happy and confident about the whole process.

You might be wondering what this blog will ultimately be about. It is a good question and the answer is literally everything. This blog will cover my ongoing process of learning about being a father. You, dear readers, will be in on the events leading up to the birth (baby shower debacles, midwife visits, insurance squabbles), the birth itself (completely uncharted territory for yours truly), and the ongoing experience of two working parents, far away from family, making it work in Texas.

There is space for comments below and I would be very excited to hear from everyone. Especially “seasoned” fathers who can offer advice. A great part of what led me to this website was the wealth of knowledge it offers about things you might not know on your own and might not want to learn through experience. Please join me for what I’m told is an amazing journey: fatherhood.