What emotions do you experience when you enter your bedroom? Does it feel like a sanctuary, a place where you can truly unwind after a long and difficult day? Or does it feel more like the rest of your life…cluttered and chaotic?
We may not give much thought to the feelings that rooms in our home can stir, but they can make a significant difference. This is true for the start of your day and the end of it.
I don’t like waking up to dirty dishes and dust bunnies. I try to manage my home enough that the start of my day doesn’t feel worse than necessary. Nothing gets me off on the wrong foot than to walk into a room that is in complete disarray.
But the same is true at the end of the night, when I am ready to lay my head on my pillow. If I were to walk into my bedroom and see nothing but dirty clothes, or even folded clothes all over my bed…if I were to see paper piles and magazines, it would feel more like a dumping ground rather than a resting place.
Clutter in a bedroom takes away from the ability to truly relax. But so can the decorations in your room.
Are you still using the same quilt you purchased 20 years ago? Do the sheets and pillowcases come in an assortment of colors? Are the wall hangings outdated?
Making your bedroom pleasing to the eye is just as important when it comes to relaxing. It becomes a cozy and beautiful haven when time is taken to decorate it with your personal tastes.
But too often it is the last room in the house we think about when it comes to this. We pay more attention to the rooms others will see, neglecting to take care of the one room we most need to feel comfortable in.
Speaking of comfortable, is your bedroom that? Or do you crawl into bed with scratchy sheets? Are they so old and flimsy, they don’t do a good job keeping out the cold?
My blanket was expensive but worth the price. It is down feather and there is nothing more I enjoy than crawling under that thick blanket during the colder months. We also invested in a Sleep Number bed, which offers the ideal firmness for both my husband and me.
Now you really don’t have to spend a lot of money to make your bedroom inviting, pleasing to the eye and comfortable. You can do this with a can of paint, items you pick up at a garage sale and even slowly tucking away some extra money to splurge on some new bedding.
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When Your Bedroom is an Eyesore
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Photo by slonecker in stock.xchng