Around our house, fall yard work is a complete family affair. Everyone is expected to do his or her part, even the youngest. While this may see like cheap labor (in fact it sometimes takes more time when kids help then when they don’t) it is actually a way of spending time together as a family while doing what needs to be done.
Involving kids in fall clean up also builds valuable life skills. It can build self-confidence, a feeling of having a place in the world and being important in the family, and a sense of responsibility. Tasks such as raking, hauling, shoveling and leaf blowing are not only physical activities that build good fitness, but they teach tasks that may be needed in the future when the kids have their own homes.
This past weekend, it was time to clean up all of the leaves that were littering the driveway and front yard, to pick up stray brush, and to stack some split firewood. while we never forced them to participate, they were all only too eager to pitch in and help. At their ages, it all seems like fun. They were free to stop helping at any time, although as motivation, if we finished quickly enough we would have time for a fun family activity.
Here are some of the tasks that they did.
The seven year old used the larger leaf blower, raked leaves and hauled some brush.
The almost-four year old used the smaller leaf blower, raked leaves, hauled and stacked small pieces of firewood, and helped daddy haul a barrel and dumped leaves.
The two year old raked leaves, helped me shovel leaves into a barrel, picked up small sticks and brush and tried the small leaf blower with help.
There was also some tree climbing going on.
It is amazing what kids can do!
Mary Ann Romans writes about everything related to saving money in the Frugal Blog, creating a home in the Home Blog and caring for little ones in the Baby Blog. You can read more of her articles by clicking here.
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