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iPad App: Homeschool Helper

Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos
When I was in the market for a planner, I could not find the right one. I also knew that I did not want one more book to at my desk. So, after reading about the Homeschool Helper app, I decided to splurge and spend the $4.99 and give it a try. After all, $4.99 for a planner is a pretty good deal and especially so for this app. I highly recommend it if you enjoy using your iPad for homeschooling. Some may still prefer the pen and paper method over the type and iPad method. Normally, I would agree where planning, note taking, and datebook reminders. However, I dove in since I am on my iPad so much anyway.

Quick Look at Features:

Track an unlimited number of students​

Manage students over multiple school years

Record grades for up to 14 different subjects, per student​

Grade calculator for effortless grade entry (with pasting ability)

Separate grading scale for each student

Create Lessons for any subject

Powerful Lesson Viewer provides calendar view of all lessons

Auto create batches of lessons, for effortless entry

Auto create grades from any lesson, to avoid duplicate keying

​New Lesson report, with parameters (date range, etc)

Manage Book Lists, Field Trips, and Task Lists

Track daily attendance, with no keying

Includes Reports; such as Report Cards, Attendance, Summary, and more

​Reports can be viewed or emailed for storage, printing, etc.

High quality retina based graphics throughout

As you can see there are many features that make it perfect for homeschool planning. I love that everything is in one place and is easy to edit and adjust. Since, I am keeping photo logs of school for end of the year narrative purposes, I can also quickly jump over to this app for a review of how the year went for us. It is everything at your fingertips. I always wanted to say that.