The whole “Christmas is getting too commercial” mantra has been going on for a while. everyone seems to admit that it is true, but very few do anything to change the way that they consume during the holidays. Related to the commercial issue is the perfection issue.
So many of us dream of the perfect Christmas with all of the right trimmings. Instead of homemade ornaments, popcorn, cranberries, gingerbread and paper chains, we have to have glittery ornaments that are color coordinated in silver and blue or gold and burgundy.
Instead of a few candles in the window or a string of lights on the porch roof, we have to have huge displays that are in some cases co-ordinated with music and sound displays.
The decorations inside and outside of your home tend to be judged by how large and how trendy they are. When inflatable items were the big thing, every house seemed to have them. When animated lighted lawn displays were trendy, out went the inflatable displays.
What about all of the gift items that you have to get this year? Don’t your loved ones deserve the latest and greatest? Wouldn’t that make a perfect Christmas?
The thing is, it is so easy to fall into all of that. I know. I spent hours making and rearranging a display of candles and cranberries in mason jars on my front window. But the real meaning of Christmas has nothing to do with all of that.
A true Christmas perfection can be very frugal. It is all about celebrating the birth of the savior and sharing that celebration through love and faith. If you aren’t caught up with the trappings of the perfectly balanced tree, for example, you will welcome the homemade ornament your child brings home from school. You will have a warm, inviting Christmas and one that is much more perfect.
You can read more blog posts by Mary Ann Romans here!
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