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Is It A Job or Not?

Once again, I’m filling in for Sara for a few days while she takes care of her unexpected little surprise. I work full time outside my home but I do have a small home based business where I do freelance writing. Writing is what I love and I have always heard if you do something you love you will never work a day in your life. For me, that’s true with writing.

As I grow my home based business there are lots of things to think about and prepare for, things I wasn’t aware of until I started freelance writing. I’m sure you’ve heard some of these before but maybe not from the perspective of someone as new to it as I am.

Since I love writing so much I never gave any thought to actually structuring it. The very first thing I had to realize is that no matter how much I love writing and not having a boss looking over my shoulder, it’s still a job and it needs to be treated like one.

If you think you can do your chosen business without really putting in the time, you are either mistaken or have some skills that I lack. I had to discipline myself to write. I was used to writing whenever the urge struck and stopping whenever I wanted, after all, I wasn’t on anyone’s schedule but my own.

Once I got a my first freelance writing job I realized that although no one is coming into my office with more work or pulling me out to a meeting, this job needs as much attention as my day job. I had to make a plan. I usually fly by the seat of my pants but I needed some structure.

I have a desk in the middle of the house where I write, and am constantly distracted. I needed to set up an area for working and set aside a time to work. Yes, I can be more flexible if I need to be, but the routine keeps me on track and actually seems to make the writing flow easier. If I know I will write between five and six then I don’t think about it all day, wondering what I’m going to write. I leave it until I sit at my desk.

So, if you really want to work from home, realize that it is still a job. Treat it like one. Put in the time, give yourself a schedule and make sure your family understands that this is real work.