While doing research trying to figure out what topic I wanted to start with, I came across a lot of articles about learning disabilities and schools. It is amazing to me that we have such a HUGE school system in the US overall yet there are still schools that have a hard time with giving the special needs child what they need.
For instance I came across this article titled “When is it OK to shock kids”, when is it EVER ok? It is discussing the article in The Village Voice titled “School of shock” .I understand why this particular school wants to use the aversion therapy but isn’t it a little close to the lobotomies of old, or electroshock therapy? These are children not dogs that need to learn not to bark or to learn to stay in your yard. Now this is just my opinion, and I have been hit and slapped and spit on. I have seen desks thrown and a child go to the corner and urinate on the floor for attention. Would I EVER consider going up to that child and shocking them? NO! I am just shocked that they have even been allowed to.
I was shocked to say the least when I came across this article. It is reprehensible to me. I do not think I will ever understand the thinking behind this. Well yes I do, it is similar to thinking that if a child pinches you, you should pinch the child back to teach him/her a lesson. That way of thinking is where this crazy, in my opinion, idea came from.
I mean yes, there are children that need extra behavior plans. Here, in our school district, we have a school for all grade levels for children that are hard to get to behave. They have maybe 6 children to a class in the same grade level and they have police and security close by at all times. These children learn what they need to learn to succeed and they don’t get shocked daily. And if the children are doing a specific behavior because they know they are going to get shocked and want the pain, aren’t they actually rewarding that bad behavior? I was taught very early in my special education experience that a lot of the time special and “normal” kids will behave badly to get attention, because they do not get the attention from behaving good. But that is just my experience everyone has their own experience. And if these parents are sending their children out of state to go to this school then obviously some people would not agree with me.
Of course this is just my opinion and everyone has their own opinion. But I think we, as a society could come up with something better than shocking children into submission.
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