Recently I heard some bad news about a dear friend and it upset me. I have to say my first thoughts were, ‘Why Lord? Why would you allow this to happen to someone whose only desire has been always to worship and serve you?’ Behind my questioning there was more than a hint of anger. So, what do you think? Is it okay to be angry with God?
When we look at the Bible, our guidebook for living, we see several Old Testament examples of people who were angry with God and let Him know about it. Job is angry with God for the hardships laid on him, Job 10:17. He’s had enough of suffering and wants it to be over, verses 18-22. Yet, even though he is angry with God for what has happened, his hope is still in God, Job 13:15. He might be angry but he will not, he cannot cut himself off from God. God is still his hope, and Job looks towards the resurrection, Job 14:12-14. Yet Job still accuses God of destroying man’s hope, Job 14:19.
Or look at Jeremiah. He’s angry with God – angry that every time he opens his mouth and tells the people the truth of God’s impending judgment,he ends up suffering because of it. He ends up worse off, Jeremiah 20:7-8,10. He might be angry at what is happening, and at God for allowing it, yet he also knows he can do nothing but continue to proclaim the message God gives him, verse 9. He also knows God will continue to be with him, verse 11.
Then we have David who is very frank in pouring out his anger, his fears, and his tears before God. Psalm 38, Psalm 60 and Psalm 64 are three examples showing David’s anger and complaints. We also see, as David takes his anger and complaints to God and pours them out before Him, he actually works through the situation and comes to a point of praise and hope.
These Old Testament passages seem to suggest it is okay to be angry with God and to let him know. Would you agree or disagree? In my next blog I’ll look at an example from the New Testament.
Bible verses from the New American Standard Version
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