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Is it Safe to Whiten Teeth in Pregnancy?

Tooth whitening has become increasingly popular in recent years. More and more people are trying to achieve that perfect Hollywood smile. From bleaching in the dentist’s office to at home kits and strips, there are numerous methods for brightening the smile. If you’ve whitened your teeth in the past or always wanted to try, you may be wondering if it is safe during pregnancy.

Most cosmetic dentists won’t do bleaching or other whitening procedures for pregnant patients. There is no evidence that bleaching is safe or unsafe during pregnancy, but few dentists are willing to take that risk. The reason there is no clear data is there are no studies on the safety of these treatments on pregnant women.

It would be difficult if not impossible to do such a study. Women and researchers would be unwilling to undertake the study for something that has no potential health benefits. In other words, the benefit is not worth any potential risk to the baby. For the same reason, doctors and midwives advise waiting until the baby is born.

OK, so no office bleaching, but what about at home kits? If you really want to use one, talk to your health care provider. I’ll warn you. He will probably advise against using any whitening products. Since there is no evidence about the safety of these products, he will be unlikely to want to take the risk.

Even the makers of at home whitening products advise against using them in pregnancy. There are statements to this affect in the literature included with the products. This will either state that it is not recommended or that pregnant women should consult their physicians. The companies don’t want to expose themselves to potential liability.

There are things you can do to brighten your smile during pregnancy. Visit your dentist for a cleaning. Having a professional cleaning will remove surface stains and give you a whiter smile. It may not be Hollywood white, but it will be an improvement. Using whitening toothpastes and baking soda can also help.

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About Pattie Hughes

Pattie Hughes is a freelance writer and mother of four young children. She and her husband have been married since 1992. Pattie holds a degree in Elementary Education from Florida Atlantic University. Just before her third child was born, the family relocated to Pennsylvania to be near family. She stopped teaching and began writing. This gives her the opportunity to work from home and be with her children. She enjoys spending time with her family, doing crafts, playing outside at the park or just hanging out together.