Have you been chugging along just fine in your life as a single parent for a while? I know that we often talk about the challenges and struggles—especially for those who are new to the role of single parent, but many of us have been at this for a while; we’ve gotten used to things and we have gotten our life into a comfortable groove. I know you are not going to want to hear this but it might just be time to take things out of that comfort zone and onto the next level…
I am not going to tell you what that “next level” might be—it is going to be up to you to figure that one out. It might be going back to school, asking for a promotion at work, starting your own business, buying a house, moving to a new neighborhood, taking a class, starting to date—you can see how there are so many facets of life that might be calling to you. It is perfectly normal to want to settle into a comfortable groove after going through a major upheaval or trauma and for many of us who have been through a separation, divorce, or death of a partner—that is exactly what we have been through. It is perfectly natural to want things to get mellow and get things under control. But once we have been in this settled place for a while, we can also get into a rut and we can stop challenging ourselves. It may just be time to do that very thing.
If you examine your life, it will probably come to the surface where you need to make a move. It can also be natural to experience some worry and fear about upsetting the apple cart—after all, haven’t we had enough turmoil to last five lifetimes?! Still growth only comes when we stir things up a little and re-pot the plant. We single parents do still need to push and encourage ourselves and it may just be time to take things up to the next level.
Also: Do You Need to Get Out More?
Stepping Outside Your Comfort Zone