The most recent course curriculum guide for our local community college arrived in the mail the other day and as I was casually flipping through the newsprint pages, my eyes were drawn to a list of classes on parenting and child development. I remember taking a couple of these classes before becoming a parent and when I had very young children, but I hadn’t thought of taking a class in years (decades, really.) I started to think about how helpful it would actually be and wondered how many other parents out there assume that since we have come this far, it must surely be too late for parenting classes…
I think no matter how weathered and seasoned we are as parents; there is still plenty for us to learn. Not to mention, experienced parents have a lot to offer in the give and take of a classroom experience. With our personal anecdotes, and historical perspective of what does and doesn’t work, a class may be a great opportunity for us to share and pass on some of that valuable information. With three very different children, I have learned and re-learned that what works with one child does not necessarily work with another and there are certainly plenty of ideas, support, and creative encouragement I could get from even a one day parenting class. Additionally, I can get stuck in a rut and not even think about possible new approaches to classic problems and situations.
So, I have come to the conclusion that it is probably NEVER too late to take a parenting class; I can see myself needing a refresher course at the advent of grandparenthood as well. After all, “best practices” change and while common sense is always the perfect guide to parenting, there are new ideas, discipline techniques and philosophical information that can come in mighty handy for even the most seasoned parent.
Also: Choosing Parenting Classes
Older Teens Really DON’T Come with Parenting Manuals