Cleaning out unused or unwanted items from your house and selling them can be a source of cash, but sometimes it just isn’t worth the time or the expense (yes, expense) to do so. Here are some ways that you can determine whether it is worth it to sell those items or not, and some alternatives that will also save you money.
First, how much are your items really worth? Find out how much might actually make in a yard sale or by selling your items online. This will vary on the region you live in, as well as the quality of your items.
Divide those potential earnings by the amount of time you will need to invest in selling them. Then subtract any expense you might incur, such as a yard sale ad or a percentage taken by a consignment shop.
To figure out how much your stuff is worth in a resale, pay attention to yard sales in your area, and go online to Craigslist and eBay and compare sold prices (not asking prices) to get accurate figures.
There are other considerations. Selling items in a lot means that they may sell more quickly, such as a lot of books or baby clothes, but selling them individually means that you will probably earn more money.
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Also, will you be losing any income by having the sale? As a freelance writer, the hours I might spend organizing a yard sale could also be spent writing for an income. Will I make more at the sale in an hour than I would working?
If you decide that selling your items might not be worth it, you can still save money by either repurposing the item to another needed use, such as turning an old watering can into a planter or turning an old headboard into a bookcase. You can also donate the items, and if you document it and get a receipt, the donation can be used as a tax deduction.