It’s the time of year again when moms will begin to get their children ready for Kindergarten for the first time. Everyone has questions about if their child is ready for that big day. Here are some skills you will want your child to master before Kindergarten.
Academics: How a child ready for school behaves or knows:
Knows her first and last name.
Knows the names of family members.
Knows her address and phone number.
Interested in books.
Holds a book correctly and pretends to read or is able to read simple words.
Understands or can tell you what common signs mean in her neighborhood.
Knows songs and child poems.
Can narrate a story she is knows.
Follow a two or three part command or directions in sequence without help
Ability to speak in sentences of five words or more.
Recognizes groups of one, two, three, four or five objects.
Knows beginning sounds to words.
Can identify at least six colors.
Ability to sort objects by size, shape and color.
Recognizes authority
Understands time sequence and events of the day.
Can use pictures to tell a story.
Understands why something is funny.
Physical Development: Small and Large Motor Skills
Fine-motor skills
Holds a pencil correctly
Draws a circle and square without help
Draws a person with head, body, arms, and legs
Ability to use a fork and spoon
Ability to zip and button and unbutton shirts and pants
Cut with scissors
Large-motor skills
Skipping (even a little)
Pedaling a three-wheeler
Swings by pumping legs
Turning a somersault
Walking heel-to-toe
Throwing a ball
Self-care skills
Able to go to the bathroom independently
Washes and dries hands
Ability to sit and each lunch on his own
Ability to dress himself
Eat without help and with utensils
Tie shoes
Recognize her own items such as jacket, pencil, lunchbag, etc.