Homeschooling involves teaching math, reading, science, spelling, history, and everything in between. For Christian homeschoolers it may also involve teaching Bible. Often I am asked if teaching from curriculum with a Christian perspective and sending the kids to Sunday school is enough to qualify as teaching bible. Sadly, in many Christian homes it is bible instruction that receives the lowest priority. When things get hectic Pythagorus wins out to Peter and Paul. Many moms are hoping Sunday school and church programs will be enough instruction. If you are intent on raising children who honor the Lord then Sunday school is not enough.
Why isn’t Sunday school enough?
Children need Godly instruction from the parents: The lead in spiritual education and instruction should be the parents regardless of how capable the Sunday school teachers are in teaching. Parents were given charge over children and not only responsible but accountable for their children’s spiritual walk.
Children should not be taught that bible study is outside of the home: If bible instruction is done outside of the home then the child may learn to compartmentalize their belief system. A life of faith is simply that; a life not a moment or a minor part of a week.
Bible is a priority not an afterthought: If bible is not taught intentionally and as a priority then the child will put the bible low on his list of priorities. Even as an adult he will push the bible aside for other things he considers more important. Ironically, in a Christian home nothing is more Important.
When a parent gives up bible for the day then the parent is giving up being the spiritual authority in the child’s life. I know that may sound harsh but think about it. Bible class is more then dry facts and timelines; it is teaching a legacy.