I never sat down so much in my life then when I started my blog. I started my blog a few years ago during summer break from homeschooling. My kids were very active in the summer with friends, sports and other fun learning opportunities. However, there were times when we spent many lazy summer days at home. The kids would play with friends or each other while I developed a new interest. That interest was blogging. Normally, I enjoyed being active in the summer but growing a blog is hard work. It was work I enjoyed so much that I didn’t mind if my lazy summer day was spent online. Sounds crazy, but when we find something that we enjoy we make it a priority. That priority caused me to sit. Sit again. Sit some more.
After building a blog it led me to other opportunities. Soon, I began to pursue working from home. All of these things required me to sit. Sit in front of a computer. Sit at my desk and write up business plans, “to-do” lists, and school planning. Meetings require sitting. I became less active over time. My body began to suffer by packing on pounds. I felt less and less like moving around and working out. I had so much seat work to do that working became easier to avoid. I soon become twenty to twenty five pounds overweight and completely out of shape. From my interactions with other home based professionals who do not make fitness a priority, I know I am not the only one.
What is the solution to becoming sedentary gaining weight if your work involves mostly sitting? The answer is simple. You need to make fitness a priority. The implementation may not be quite as simple. It is hard to fit in working out when you are so busy. I know I can find at least 30 minutes a day to do some type of physical activity. I suggest doing something that involves your kids so you it will motivate you to do it. Make it a family activity and everyone will benefit. Also, make sure you do not mindlessly eat at your desk. Munch on veggies throughout the day. Do not eat while you work as it causes overeating. Focus on your food choices and fit in 30 minutes of exercise a day. If you cannot find 30 minutes you can certainly do a few sets of jumping jacks. It sounds silly but challenging yourself to do even a minor change will put you on the road to more change.