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Is Your Calling Stretching You Too Thin?

Do you ever feel so busy with your calling at church that you do not have enough time to spend with your family? Do you feel that your job is stretching you too thin, and it is cutting into family time as well? Or maybe you are working and juggling side projects, plus you have a busy calling at church, and you just can’t seem to keep up with everything. If you feel that church is just one more thing on top of everything else that you need to do, it may be time to make some adjustments.

1) Decide why you are resentful. You may be frustrated because of a particular calling or you may be having a difficult time taking a restless child to Sacrament meeting. It may be that your calling is taking away the only free time you have with your family or it is causing you to have bitter and angry feelings.

2) Once you have determined what is bothering you, you should pray about it. The Lord can open your eyes to help you see your entire life. You may realize that you need to cut back at work, or you may find that your family needs to cut back on other extracurricular activities. The Lord may soften your heart regarding the situation and give you the strength to continue. You may also feel prompted to ask to be released or to at least talk to your bishop about it.

3) If you do not find peace in regards to your calling once you have prayed about it, you should speak to the bishop about it. He can help you see areas that you may need to change or he may realize that it is time to release you. The bishop is very busy, and may not realize all the recent changes that have happened in your life. Circumstances change and it is important to communicate if the calling becomes too difficult.

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