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Is Your Marriage Making You Fat?

Your marriage is not making you fat. However, circumstances within your marriage can lead to weight gain. Cooking for your spouse and perhaps other family members can tempt you to eat more. You taste things as you cook, you want to eat the food you spent time and trouble to prepare, and it’s just easier to eat more when delicious aromas are floating through the air.

It may also be more tempting to eat those comfort foods we all enjoy so much. As you cook your Mom’s or his or her mom’s favorite recipes, it just feels good. All that TLC just tempts the taste buds. Then there are holiday meals, birthday cakes, and sneaking those midnight snacks with your mate. Those calories can add up.

These are issues everyone has to deal with and we simply have to learn to control our urges, and of course, it doesn’t hurt to get more exercise. There are other issues that come into play at times that may be a little more difficult to handle.

If your spouse has a sweet tooth and always has treats and candies within reach, yet he or she never gains an ounce, it may make sticking to your goals more difficult. Worse yet, you may even face sabotage from the one you love, even if your mate does it subconsciously. Some people just don’t like change and some spouses feel insecure when their husbands or wives work on improving themselves.

You may have to confront your spouse if this is the case. Ask your mate to keep his or her treats and snacks stashed out of sight and not to offer you candy when you’re counting calories. The two of you should be able to work out such problems as long as both of you are aware what is going on.

Helping Each Other:

Playing Off Each Other’s Strengths, Part I

Playing Off Each Others Strengths, Part 2