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Is Your New Place Safe?

When you buy a house you never really know what you’re going to get until you move in. Take the time, before the furniture arrives to make sure the place is safe, you never know what other people may have left behind.

My husband and I were fortunate enough to spend the first night in our house alone; our almost 4-year old daughter decided that staying at the hotel with Grandma, who had come to help us move, would be more fun. I was determined to enjoy a long hot bath in my new garden tub before the insanity of moving began in earnest the next day. I got my bath, but as I was getting out I noticed a small, lemon yellow spot on the gray carpet under the master bath vanity.

Further investigation showed the yellow spot to be a small capsule-shaped yellow pill, a little smaller than a Tic Tac. Whoa! We just moved in, what the heck is this?!?

We knew from various conversations during the closing process that the woman who just moved out was a recent kidney transplant recipient and on a cocktail of anti-rejection drugs. What was this thing?


I never did find out, but I did spend two, maybe three hours that night scouring the baseboards and carpet of our new house to see if there were any other unwelcome surprises. Before I went to bed that night I found a number of nails, a few tacks, some staples, and a spot of carpet completely ruined by bubble gum that had been concealed by the previous owner’s furniture during our walk-through.

Before you let your kids loose in your new residence make sure you take the time to get down on your hands and knees and check the place out from a kids’ eye view, you never know what you may find or what accidents you can prevent.

Until next time, stay safe!