Think you’re having a bad day?
Maybe you caught a glance of the Academy Award nominee list and realized how little of a life you really have.
Or, you failed again at the car to bed transfer. You know; the challenge that sends a parent’s blood pressure reading skyrocketing off the charts. Your baby falls asleep in the car a few blocks from your house, but you haven’t mastered how to get her out of her safety seat and into the house without waking her up.
Five-minute nap for baby = very, very long afternoon for mommy.
Sound familiar?
Well, before you start feeling sorry for yourself consider the alternative. Instead of dealing with a crabby kid, who thinks she can exist on a barely-there snooze, you could be forced to clean up vomit every couple of hours.
And by vomit I mean large amounts of baby regurgitation caused by your 8-month-olf sucking on a dead mouse.
Now that’s a bad day.
Just ask Brittany Barba.
The New Jersey mom made national headlines this week when she pulled her daughter Alanah out of a Newark daycare after the baby’s grandmother pulled a dead mouse out of the girl’s mouth.
Barba told news reporters that Alanah got violently ill following the incident.
“Lately she’s been vomiting. Everything she’s eaten, she’s throwing it back up.”
Meanwhile, the daycare’s executive director maintains that the rodent-sucking event was an isolated case and that the state health department has since visited the center and suggested moving shelves and furniture away from the walls to prevent mice from multiplying.
As for how Alanah was able to put a dead rodent in her mouth without anyone noticing, the daycare’s director claims a teacher “must have turned her head and in that split second” the baby inserted the germ-infested creature into her kisser.
Perspective can be a very sobering wake-up call.
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