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It’s Back! 50% off Bookcases at Staples

We suffer from that homeschool affliction – too many books. Though I cull them every month or so, send some out to others via the Paperback Swap, and am always happy to lend some to friends, I still find myself swamped in them. My dad (who lives with us) got tired of seeing them all over the rumpus room in piles and stacks. You know the kind; your bookshelf is full so you make a stack in front of the books that are there on that 3″ that’s left over. “I’m buying you some bookcases. Ones that match.”

Why does it matter if they match? Aren’t those wooden dowel ones that I got from the thrift shop good enough? Of course they match the castoff furniture from my brother. They’re both wood, aren’t they?

My frugal nature makes it very difficult to spend money unless it’s a good deal. The timing is great. Staples has their bookcases on sale for 50% off. These are the standard “manufactured wood” (i.e., heavy-duty pressboard). We ordered ten; six for his room, four for the rumpus room. They came the very next day. The first one took about 45 minutes to put together, the rest 20 minutes apiece. I’m pleasantly surprised with the quality. For less than $25 apiece I expected them to be on the flimsy side. They’re not. They also use a locking screw rather than just simple screws. It gives it quite a bit of stability and they feel very heavy duty.

These are strong enough that I’m going to get four more for my stockpile area to hold paper goods and boxed food (I think cans would wear the case down eventually). They come in white and oak. The white looks lovely in my rumpus room and brightens up what otherwise can become dark. Sign up for Staples Rewards and delivery is free.

Link to Staples Bookcase Sale. While supplies last.