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It’s Ok to Ask for Help

One of the biggest trials of getting divorced is learning how to ask for help. When we first split up I was embarrassed that I couldn’t do it all on my own. I had prided myself for so long on my independence that I felt like I had been given a pink slip for life. I was not one to ask for help. I could have gone back to work and struggled to make ends meet. The majority of my paycheck would have gone to daycare. We probably could have scraped by, but only barely, so I swallowed my pride and had to ask my parents for help. They were gracious enough to let Logan and I move back into their basement while I finished my last two years of school. We all knew that in order for me to truly be able to support Logan on my own that I would need to finish my education. Moving back in with them was one of the hardest things I have ever done, but I will be eternally grateful to them for giving me a chance to get back on my feet after my divorce.

Others rushed in to help me too. At the time I literally had nothing. My sweet aunt gave me her son’s old clothes because she knew I couldn’t afford to buy new ones for Logan. That same sweet aunt also offered to watch Logan for me that first semester back at school because she knew that I couldn’t afford to put him in daycare. People from our church came to visit me often to see how I was doing and to see if I needed anything. My dear friends called on a regular basis to make sure I was doing ok and even watched Logan for me last minute when I had to go to class. So many people reached out to me during this time of need, and now even a year later they still call to see what they can do. I am so thankful for the incredible people in my life. Asking for help was hard, accepting it was even harder, but I will never forget the kindness that people showed me and my son at a time when we truly couldn’t do it on our own.

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About Sarah Williams

I am a single mother to a sweet little 4 year old boy named Logan. I am almost done with my degree in Elementary Education and have loved every second of it. I love writing for Families.com and hope to be able to help other single moms through the difficulties of raising a child on your own.