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It’s Okay To Take The Couch

For many pregnant women, there comes a point when your bed no longer offers the same comfort and relaxation it used to. Lying flat on any surface for any period of time sounds horrifying, since you know getting back up will be painful and you won’t get much rest. Lying on your back is not recommended and lying on your side can result in throbbing hip pain. I found that the least uncomfortable position to sleep in was a slightly reclined, seated position. Since I do not have a recliner, I repositioned a few pillows on the couch to recreate the recliner shape. I slept at about a forty-five degree angle with my knees propped up slightly. It relieved a lot of the pressure on my hips and I found that it was much easier to get up in the morning. I also used tons of pillows on all sides to distribute my weight evenly and prevent soreness from not moving around.

At first, I felt guilty because I was not sleeping next to my husband. I thought he would be lonely all by himself. In reality, he enjoyed the extra space, since I had been taking up so much room with my big belly and four pillows. He also wanted me to be comfortable. After our son was born, he camped out in the guest room for a while so I wouldn’t disturb him by turning on lights in the middle of the night to nurse and change diapers. We adjusted and I was never so happy to have him back in our room a few months later. Next time I’ll just put a bed in the nursery for convenience.

Sleepless nights during the final weeks of pregnancy are only the beginning. Don’t feel guilty about not sleeping in the same bed or the same room if that is what it takes to get a good night’s rest. Think of it as a brief season. Your life will return to normal eventually.

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About Kim Neyer

Kim is a freelance writer, photographer and stay at home mom to her one-year-old son, Micah. She has been married to her husband, Eric, since 2006. She is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin - Whitewater, with a degree in English Writing. In her free time she likes to blog, edit photos, crochet, read, watch movies with her family, and play guitar.